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What Are The Types of the Crutches?

There are several types of crutches that are commonly used to assist individuals with mobility limitations. The main types of crutches include:

●Underarm Crutches: These crutches, also known as axillary crutches, are designed to fit under the arms. They have a padded top that rests against the ribcage, and the user grasps the handgrips for support. Underarm crutches are commonly used by individuals with temporary injuries or short-term mobility issues.

●Forearm Crutches: Also known as Lofstrand crutches or Canadian crutches, forearm crutches are designed to provide support from the forearm rather than the armpit. They have a cuff that wraps around the forearm, allowing the user to bear weight on their arms. Forearm crutches provide more stability and control, making them suitable for individuals with long-term mobility needs.

●Platform Crutches: These crutches feature a platform or forearm support instead of handgrips. The user's forearm rests on the platform, which helps distribute weight and provides added support. Platform crutches are often used by individuals with limited hand grip strength or those who cannot bear weight on their hands.

●Leg Support Crutches: Leg support crutches, also known as knee scooters or knee walkers, are designed to provide support and mobility for individuals with lower leg injuries. They typically consist of a padded platform on wheels, which allows the user to rest their injured leg while propelling themselves forward with their other leg.

It's important to note that the type of crutches recommended for an individual may vary depending on their specific needs, injury type, and mobility level. It's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or a physical therapist to determine the most suitable type of crutches for a particular situation.

Where to Buy Crutch and Cane?

You can buy the crutch and can in Ecarre, a trusted and comprehensive manufacturer and supplier of height adjustable adult crutches and cane. In Ecarre, a wide range of products are offered to meet the your various movement needs. Scroll down to view which product is suitable for you.